Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Keep Karma and Carry On.

Never let it be said that I am averse to tempting fate. Hell, on most days I am proudly there with a pointy stick, poking fate in the eye and calling its mother rude names.

I think there's an alarming propensity in the human race, to assume that because good things are happening, something horrendous must be looming. This bizarre match game of tying independent events together is what constitutes our lives. 'Without the dark how could you have the light?' and other turgid platitudes abound.

So it is with the calm and considered precision of Evel Knievel jumping a rocket powered pushbike over a pit of flaming, acid-filled crocodiles with rusty glass for teeth, that I proclaim - "I'm having a pretty good day."

Pause for effect.

Still here.

The reasons for this abundance of fatalistic joy? Firstly, I got a new toy. A phone so spangly and jammed with Star-futuristic-Trek technology that I'm genuinely surprised it can't take photos of itself. After two years of wallowing in entry-level smartphone hell, it's nice to finally move into the digital age.

Reason the second, I sent off a job application today. Will I get it? Who knows, but the very process of applying for jobs while working is decadent and exciting. A chance to pimp myself AND practice writing. Sho' nuff.

Thirdly, but more importantly pre-firstly, my Gayle is a wonderful human being whom I adore with a soppiness that would make Liberace blush.

Stayed tuned as fate gets its knickers in a bunch and makes me drop my new phone down the toilet...

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